Auto Income Distribution
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Last updated
Passive income is auto-distributed to USDi holders periodically without the need to claim and pay gas fees.
The USDi Payout Calculator will calculate the available distribution values periodically. Any supplus amount of distribution values will be distributed to all USDi holders based on cumulated distribution weight score (cumDWS) index.
The cumDWS index is measuring the amount of USDi and holding period of each USDi holders. The more USDi you are holding for longer time period you are holding, the higher cumDWS score you will have.
Available distribution value (ADV)= total assets value - USDi in circulation
Distribution Value (DV) = Distribution % * ADV
Distribution Amount of Fees (DAF)= DV* Reserve %
Final Distribution Amount after reserve (FDA) = DV - DV*0.2
cumDWS is the cumulated amount of DWS for each wallet address.
Block number period(BNP) to represent the length of of holding period.
BNP= current block number (current BN)- last block number (last BN)
Distribution Weight Score(DWS)= BNP * Balance of USDi
cumDWS is the cumulated amount of DWS for each wallet address
User Undistributed USDi=cumDWS % * FDV
Distribution ID
Available distribution value
Distribution Value (DV)
Distribution Amount of Fees (DAF)
Final Distribution Amount after management fees (FDA)